Inclined Screens

McLanahan的MAX系列振动筛旨在满足并超越筛分设备所需的苛刻应用和规格. MAX系列振动筛为所有重型应用提供解决方案, including minerals, aggregates and more.


The vibrating Inclined Screen is the most popular type of screen. There are various types of Inclined Screens, including two and four bearing, high-speed, and high-frequency screens. 目前绝大多数的安装都是两层或三层甲板, though there are single and four deck varieties available as well.

The two bearing, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的圆抛斜筛利用轴上的平衡物来移动筛. 筛距与轴速成反比,轴速一般在800 - 950转/分之间. The screen is mounted on springs and is usually powered by an electric motor. The inclination of this type of screen runs from 15 to 30 degrees.

斜筛易于调整,以提高整体性能和效率. Changes in slope, speed, 旋转的行程和方向允许根据应用程序定制屏幕.

How Inclined Vibrating Screens Work

In an Inclined Screen, the vibratory motion is circular. Vibration lifts the material, aiding stratification, 而振动和倾斜角度的结合提供了材料在甲板上的移动速度. 

筛在整个物料处理过程中使用,在破碎阶段之前和之后对物料进行分离和分级. At the primary stage, 在饲料进入初级破碎机之前,大型剥砂筛将细料除去, 有助于保护破碎机的磨损部件从磨料石或砂材料,已经大小. Without scalping, the primary crusher’s liners wear down faster, requiring more frequent changes and maintenance downtime.

Following the primary crushing stage, 筛网有两层或三层,不同的开口尺寸用于将材料分成不同的尺寸类别, 带传送带的物料输送粒度进一步粉碎或储存作为一个可销售的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. Usually this screening is accomplished through dry screens. Wet screens may help to remove debris from material before stockpiling, as clean stone is often required for concrete and asphalt specifications.

Depending on the process stage, 待筛的物料从装载机(间歇给料)或料斗或传送带(连续给料)等装载装置被送入筛网。. The screen box vibrates via shafts with counterweights or exciters, causing the material bed to vibrate as well.

Why McLanahan Inclined Vibrating Screens

Capable of separating coarse feed material from finer materials, these vibrating screens are a low-headroom design. 每个筛网都是用最高强度的钢建造的,可以承受沉重的负荷,并具有耐久性,使您的使用寿命更长. MAX系列振动筛的尺寸范围从6 ' x 16 ' (1.8m x 4.8m) to 8’ x 24’ (2.4m x 7.3m). 它们的设计适合于任何现有的结构和操作,无需返工. Backed by McLanahan’s years of industry experience, 我们与每个客户合作,以确保他们的MAX系列振动筛符合他们应用的特定要求.

MAX Series Vibrating Screens were designed with operator safety in mind. 侧板具有横梁检查端口,允许您检查内部管的故障,当管是不可见的,由于耐磨衬里, 因此,操作员无需在甲板之间爬行进行检查. 可以腐蚀或磨损交叉构件内部并导致过早失效的外来物质可以通过横梁检查口排出. 偏心机构的特点是在机构管中安装千斤顶螺栓,以便在更换轴承时支撑偏心轴, 不需要起重机来悬挂竖井,也不需要竖井翻倒和伤害工人的机会, creating a safer work environment and decreasing downtime.

MAX系列振动筛的许多特性提高了可维护性,增加了正常运行时间. 独立的交叉成员允许你只更换磨损的管,而不是完整的甲板框架. 直接驱动系统消除了对旋转电机基座的要求,以保持启动时皮带的张力, which can be troublesome to maintain and eventually fail over time. 速度可以通过简单地更换电机轮轴来调整,并且可以在700到900 rpm之间变化,而无需改变从动轮轴.

MAX系列振动筛的设计具有最长的使用寿命和最大的强度钢,以承受重负荷. 侧板采用全螺栓连接结构,可减少/消除由于焊接引起的钢中的应力上升而产生的裂纹扩展,并提供无需切割即可快速更换磨损部件的能力. 偏心机构是一个定制的一体式机加工偏心轴,以获得最大的强度和力输出. 它的特点是迷宫密封,以防止油污染和消除需要一个标准的呼吸器, which is prone to plugging and failure. 快速更换弹簧组件允许弹簧包的拆卸,只有最小的垂直间隙,不需要高架起重机. This saves the customer money, 同时减少停机时间,提高工人更换弹簧时的安全性.

Frequently Asked Questions About Inclined Screens

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The following chart will help you determine the appropriate stroke and speed.


您可能会将屏幕向上运行的原因是为了减缓材料传播的速度, increasing the amount of time the material stays exposed to the deck, providing better odds of the material falling through. 向上移动屏幕也改变了颗粒对开口本身的暴露. 通常情况下,上坡筛管的选择是在效率较低的精细筛分应用中做出的.

你不会做任何伤害屏幕或机械本身运行上坡. 只是要确保你不要把床的深度增加得太多,否则你会产生消极的影响而不是积极的影响.


Features & Benefits
  • 更换的十字构件较短,配有机械加工和匹配的垫片,便于在间隙有限的区域安装
  • All shaft components on the eccentric mechanism slide onto the shaft, allowing for easy removal and installation of replacement parts
  • Jacking screws on the motor base make belt tensioning easy
  • Side plates utilize A572 Grade 50 plate as standard, giving them a 45% higher yield strength than traditional A36 plating
  • Available in a range of sizes from 6’ x 16’ (1.8m x 4.8m) to 8’ x 24’ (2.4m x 7.3m)
  • Designed to fit into any existing structure and operation with no rework
  • Backed by McLanahan’s years of industry experience, service and support

Need Some Help?

Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.